Kindness Queen
Michelle King
Michelle set up Little Miracles Charity In 2010 to support families with severe disabilities. The
charity has grown to massive proportions. Little Miracles support over 13,000 children and their families. Michelle works all hours of the day and night to help families in unimaginable circumstances so they do not feel alone.
Little Miracles is a charity that supports families that have children with
additional needs, disabilities and life limiting conditions. Just like everyone else these children need a place
to play, laugh and create friendships – Little Miracles provides this whilst the families are able to access
the advice, support and care that they deserve. In the UK, there are 800,000 disabled children under the
age of 16 – this is approximately one child in every twenty yet the majority of families that we work with
report feeling like they are alone in their journey. Little Miracles exists to reduce this isolation and to
ensure that families get the support that they need in order to support their families fully. Our activities
and Family Support Workers provide a lifeline to the families and their children with the varied support
that we are able to offer. We support the whole family including parents, carers, the child with additional
needs as well as the siblings and any family can receive support even before they receive the formal
2021 Runners Up

Girl Boss Goals
Lindsay McGlone
Kindness Queen
Emma Rogers
Caroline Beacon
The Fierce Fat Feminist is an activist, public speaker,
producer and has held all this whilst working through the pandemic as a care worker. Lindsay uses
her social media following of over 19,000 to tackle the misconceptions that society has of those living
in larger bodies. Lindsay runs successful campaigns to fight fatphobia - her most well known one was
taking on Air BNB for allowing a listing that stated; no persons over 16 stone or with eating disorders
allowed on the premises' the listing was pulled down in under 48 hours and made the international
Lindsay has also produced an array of online events charity shows with her sister Kayliegh McGlone, workshops, burlesque shows and panelled discussions raising over £2,500 for charity. Lindsay's work
promotes the idea that all body should be seen as equal and is known for giving people those penny
drop moments.
- Emma worked hard during the lockdown putting her health on
the line to take care of all the special needs children including door stop home visits to check on
vulnerable children and family, As well as delivering food and resources. She works incredibly hard
and will work in her own time to make sure other children are safe.
Caroline truly is an inspiration to so many people on so many levels.
She has fought adversity with courage, tenacity, and determination all the time worrying about those
around her. Caroline has Ehlers Danlos, a life limiting connective tissue disease and as a result four years
ago Caroline suffered multiple organ failure. Despite having to meet her palliative care team and talk end
of life plans Caroline continued to think of others, how they were feeling and how she could help them.
Fighting with every ounce of her body Caroline found the strength to fight this dreadful “invisible” disease
head on. She came through multiple life altering surgeries and had to adapt to never eating again and
within 3 months she took part in a sponsored walk to raise money for Ehlers Danlos research. As a result
of her illness Caroline sadly had to close her business in Hampshire to focus on her health but in 2019
Caroline returned to the workforce and in 2020 Caroline set up her own business Sew Ab Fab, a business
selling limited edition complete dressmaking kits and offering various sewing classes to groups and
individuals (www.sewabfab.co.uk to learn more). 2020 was not a great year for starting a business but
despite the odds Caroline has done it. Her strength, physically, emotionally, and mentally, never ceases to
amaze me. Despite her illness Caroline shows the courage to never give up, to keep fighting, to keep
offering your best you to the world. All the while Caroline focuses on others, making them clothes,
creating beautiful makes for gifts, helping vulnerable neighbours and family members despite being
vulnerable herself. Caroline embodies “boss bird” in so many ways. Never giving up when many others
would and when many others, including doctors, thought we body could no longer fight.

Girl Boss Goals
Camilla Rogers
Following Redundancy, illness and operations, as well as
raising a young son on her own... Camilla had a vision for improving mental health in business- and in
the last year has built and just launched fifty50 - a mental health coaching business and persuaded
one of the eldest school asset managers to be her first client! She pitched to octopus for funding the
day before her operation and persuaded some of the toughest individuals to back her. She is driven,
passion and an absolute force of nature.